The National Holstein Convention Panel in Dubuque, Iowa (L to R): Brent Schuler, Diesel Hitt, John Meyer, Jeff Brantmeier, Dan Bolin and Ashley Abbott. by Corey Geiger, Managing Editor "Have a vision for...
Today, more than 15 percent of domestic milk production on a milk solids basis is being exported, and that proportion only looks to go up. The OECD-FAO 2013-2022 Agricultural Outlook report anticipates...
At $1,970 each, replacement prices have shot up $530 on average since the first of the year, according to data published in USDA's Agricultural Prices. That is the highest value since July of 2008 when...
From the calf to the transition cow, the development and maintenance of a strong immune system plays a significant role on a farm. And while the environment we create impacts our herd's health status,...
While the U.S. has exported more dairy products in 10 of the last 11 years, not one of America's dairy companies ranks among the world's top five in sales, according to Rabobank's most recent Global Dairy...
Vermont is embroiled in a food industry lawsuit after passing a GMO (genetically modified organism) labeling requirement earlier this year. Yet, this move by the Green Mountain State set the stage for...
Ten years ago, a half-dozen straight months of Class III milk prices over $21 would have triggered epic herd expansions and new dairy construction in the West. But not this time; not even close. Still-fresh...
The National Dairy Shrine in Fort Atkinson unveiled a $90,000 technological upgrade to its main floor display last week. "We are very pleased to share the excitement of some of the changes that were made...
Let's get rules published on dairy insurance by Corey Geiger, Managing Editor Take a look at the calendar. Exactly 158 days have passed since President Obama signed the farm bill on February 7, 2014. Exactly...
Gone are the days where every youth at a dairy event resides on a farm. There was a time when nearly every youth showing at a fair, competing in dairy judging or competing in quiz bowl lived and worked...
The price to host a summer picnic will cost you a little more this year than it did last year, thanks to two main culprits: meat and dairy. Smaller beef cattle and hog inventories, coupled with high demand...
It appears that today's consumers aren't letting their taste buds make all of their food decisions. Instead, it was a variety of health factors that made the top 10 list of nutrition trends that could...
Milk is no longer milk . . . at least according to some marketers. A journey through any grocery store's dairy case makes this clear as milk alternatives, soy, almond and others, receive a prominent placing...
"It could take three to five years for China to once again produce the milk volume they lost in recent years," said Robert Chesler, vice president of FCStone Foods Division. In the meantime, China's appetite...
Farm grows to accommodate more family and modern technology. June is Dairy Month. Along with celebrating the nutritious products made possible by dairy farmers, the Watertown Agri-Business Club highlighted...
For eons, food has both brought a nation's people together and torn societies apart. As time has progressed, food production has become increasingly complex. Last week, Vox released a series of maps, charts...
Dairy is the rock on which New Zealand's entire ag sector, and for that matter the entire country's industrial base, is built. And that foundation keeps getting additional mortar as dairy accounted for...
Despite our growing ability to find a needle in the "foodborne illness" haystack, as a whole, food safety continues to show steady improvement. Foodborne illnesses reported to the Centers for Disease Control...
The FDA is tightening antibiotic use in food animal production with a voluntary request to pharmaceutical companies. I've received numerous questions recently from local dairy producers who have heard...
Hoard's Dairyman Webinar Archives June 9, 2014: "Update on starch utilization by dairy cows" presented by Randy Shaver, University of Wisconsin-Madison Sponsored by Calibrate® Technologies (